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- Time of issue:2020-01-14 00:00:00
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自動噴涂生產線 Automatic Spraying Production Line ?? ??? ??
噴涂生產線Spray-coating Assembly Line??? ??
該生產線主要由前后處理設備、靜電噴粉設備組成,前處理采用噴淋工藝,噴粉為自 動噴涂,設備為瑞士金馬公司生產。
This Assembly line is mainly consist of pre-processing, post-processing equipment and static powder spraying equipment. These equipments were made in Switzerland Gema Co., Ltd, adopt spraying technics and could realize spray-painting automatically.
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數控激光切割機CNC Laser Cutter ??? ??? ???
TLX-2040D-DC030數控激光切割機,該機為臺灣加揚光電生產制造,采用德國羅芬Rofin最新型Slab型激光發振器,德國原裝非接觸式切割頭,德國西門子伺服馬達及高精度傳動機構。激光功率3000瓦,最大加工板材4000mm×2000mm,最大切割厚度分別為20mm(鋼板)、10mm(不銹鋼板)、8mm(鋁板),采用先進龍門飛行光路,切割速度可達15m/分,可加工出各種復雜的異形孔而無須用任何專用刀具,加工速度快、效率高、成本低 HELIUS2513數控激光切割機,該機為比利時LVD公司生產制造,屬國際一流產品。其激光控制系統為日本GE-FANUC16LB產品。激光功率2000瓦,最大加工板材2500mm×1250mm,最大切割厚度分別為16mm(鋼板)、6mm(不銹鋼板)、5mm(鋁板)、1mm(銅板),切割速度可達7.5m/分。
TLX-2040D-DC030 CNC Laser Cutter: Made by Taiwan Jiayang Photoelectric, it adopts the latest Rofin Slab type laser oscillator, contactless cutting head made in Germany, Siemens servo motor and high-precision transmission mechanism. Parameters: laser power: 3,000W; max processing plate: 4,000mm * 2,000mm; max cutting thickness: 20mm (steel plate), 10mm (stainless steel), 8mm (aluminum plate); with advanced light-duty flying optics, cutting speed up to 15m/min; it processes various complex irregularly-shaped holes without any specialized cutter, with high processing speed, high efficiency, and low cost. HELIUS2513 CNC Laser Cutter: Made by Belgium LVD, it is the world class product, with Japan GE-FANUC16LB laser control system. Parameters: laser power: 2,000W; max processing plate: 2,500mm * 1,250mm; max cutting thickness: 16mm (steel plate), 6mm (stainless steel), 5mm (aluminum plate), 1mm (copper plate); cutting speed: 7.5m/min.
TLX-2040D-DC030 ??? ??? ??? ? ??? ???????? ?? ? ?????? ?? ??Rofin ???Slab ??? ???, ?? ??? ???? ?? ??, ?? ??? ?? ??? ???? ?? ??? ???????. ??? ??3000??, ?? ?? ??4000mm*2000mm, ?? ?? ??? ??20mm(??), 10mm(?????), 8mm(?????)?? ?? ???? ?? ??? ???? ?? ???15m/?? ???? ???? ??? ?? ??? ?? ??? ?? ??? ??? ???? ?? ??, ?? ??, ?? ??? ??? ? ????. HELIUS2513 ??? ??? ??? ? ??? ???LVD??? ?? ? ??? ??? ?? ??? ??? ????. ? ??? ?? ???? ??GE-FANUC16LB ???? ??? ??2000???? ?? ?? ??2500mm*1250mm, ?? ?? ??? ??16mm(??), 6mm(?????), 5mm(?????), 1mm(??)?? ?? ???7.5m/?? ???????.
數控伺服折彎機 CNC Servo Bender ??? ?? ???
PAS50×125AC數控伺服折彎機 該機為日本小松產機株式會社生產的小型折彎機,輕便、靈活,最大壓力50噸,加工長度1250mm,厚度4mm(鋼板),4軸控制,具有角度和撓度補償等功能。
PAS50*125AC CNC Servo Bender: It is small-sized bender produced by Japan Komatsu, light and flexible, with max pressure of 50 tons, processing length of 1,250mm, thickness of 4mm (steel plate), four-shaft control, angle and deflection compensation functions.
PAS50*125AC ??? ?? ??? ? ??? ?? ????????????? ??? ?? ???? ???, ???? ?? ??50?, ?? ??1250mm, ??4mm (??), 4? ???? ??? ?? ?? ??? ???? ????.
柔性加工線 Flexible Manufacturing Line ??? ?? ??
FMC柔性加工線FMC (Flexible Manufacture Center) FMC???? ??
FMC (Flexible Manufacture Center) is a full-automatic sheet processing production line imported from Finland, which could realize the full course automatic processing including loading, conveying, punching shear, sorting and bending. It has a turret with 20 working locations, the maximal punching thickness could be 8 mm (steel plate).
????? ??? ?? ?? ?? ??? ?? ?? , ?? , ?? , ?? , ???? ???? ??? ??? ? ?? 20?? ??????? ?? ?? ??? 8mm(??)?? ???.
數控液壓轉塔沖床 Digital-control Hydraulic Turret Puncher??? ?? ?? ???? ??
It was made by Belgium LVD company, has 42 working locations, could process all kinds of holes, circular holes, long circular hole, square hole and abnormity hole, and could realize the functions including rib rolling, extrusion, edge turning etc.
??? LVD???? ??? ??? 42???? ??? ?,? ??? ? ,???? ,??? ?? ??? ? ???? ?? ??? ??? ??? ????.FC1500H/30
數控液壓折彎機 Digital-control Hydraulic Press Brake
There are 3 Hydraulic Press Brake produced by Belgium and Japan, could realize functions such as angle and flexure compensation, automatic calculation of component developing size, pneumatic plate holding etc.
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